Professor Demurjian receives STTR Grant

Sonalysts, Inc., founded in CT in 1973 has received a Phase II Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) grant on “Secure Efficient Cross-Domain Protocols” in the amount of $737K from the Department of Defense, Air Force. The project is sponsored by the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) as a follow on the Phase I STTR.  

Dr. Steven A. Demurjian’s share is $224K for the two year effort from 2015-2016. The work seeks to transition the proof-of-concept Secret Internet Protocol Router Network (ZIPRNET) system from the STTR Phase I funded effort into a working prototype that will speed up the cross-domain exchange of information among systems while improving security. While targeting the security of classified data for government agencies, the intent is to demonstrate the ability to control access to sensitive health care information as well.  Dr.Demurjian and other CSE faculty have had numerous STTRs and SBIRs with Sonalysts, Inc. in recent history.



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