Bruins-In-Genomics (B.I.G.) Summer Research Program is an 8-week full-time immersion program for undergraduates interested in learning about Bioinformatics, Computational Biology and Genomics — and developing some of the skill-sets that are critical for 21st century Biological and Biomedical Research, and Precision Medicine.
We are now accepting applications to the fifth annual B.I.G. Summer Research Program, to be held June 24 to August 16, 2019, at UCLA. Next summer’s program offers introductory workshops in bioinformatic methods for genomics and computational biology followed by in depth, hands-on training in one of UCLA’s many participating laboratories. Areas of research include:
• Biomedical Genetics and Genomics
• Neurogenetics
• Cancer genetics
• Population Genetics
• Microbiome analysis
• Immunology
• Host pathogen interactions
• Ecosystem modeling
In addition, B.I.G. Summer offers career development workshops, graduate school preparations, and networking opportunities for undergraduates interested in quantitative and computational biology.
Fellowships are available that cover stipends of $400 to $5000, on-campus housing, and roundtrip travel to/from Los Angeles.
Please spread the word among colleagues and undergraduate students! If you know an undergraduate who is thinking about a career in computational biology, please encourage them to apply by forwarding this email and the attached PDF.
JUNE 24 TO AUGUST 16, 2019
APPLICATION DEADLINE: February 4, 2019 at 5:00PM PST
For more information on upcoming and past B.I.G. Summer programs, please visit our webpage: